Do Petunias Grow on Trees?

In Wyoming they do.

Even though it is early Summer, the "petunia tree" at my bank looks great.

By August, the plants will be filled out even more, and the tree will be even more beautiful. The "tree" has individual rings for the pots of petunias and each pot has a tube that provides water.

I'd love to have one of these in my yard, but can you imagine trying to "dead head" all those plants?


  1. That is so neat!! It's gorgeous too!

  2. Wow, that is so pretty!! You'll have to take a picture of it in August, I'd love to see how big it gets to be!

  3. Pretty. It really does look like a tree. The best part sounds like the watering system. I think even I could remember to keep the pots watered.

  4. that's super cool! does it keep the deer out?

  5. This is indeed beautiful. I don't have a green thumb, so I have to enjoy the gardens of others. Thanks for sharing.
    Blessings, Sarita


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